Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form
The Fortnite Team
We now have a new way for you to report bugs for both the Fortnite Creative toolset and Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) directly to the Epic Developer Community (EDC) forums. You can do this through UEFN or directly in the Issues and Bug Reporting forum.
To access the form in UEFN, click on the Help menu and choose “Report Issue.” Selecting this will automatically send your logs to Epic Games. Clicking OK will take you to the bug reporting form, which will autofill a Reference ID to connect your bug report to the EDC forums. You can improve the report by providing info like reproduction steps, expected results, and observed results before you make your forum post.

Once you’re in the Issues and Bug Reporting forum, the process is the same. For either UEFN or Creative Bugs, select "New Topic" in the forum. Then, choose the "New Issue" option to open the report form. Remember to paste the UEFN Reference ID to connect your log files to the report. It’s as simple as that!

As always, thank you for helping us find bugs. It helps make Creative and UEFN better for everyone! Hopefully, the bug reporting process is now even easier.
We now have a new way for you to report bugs for both the Fortnite Creative toolset and Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) directly to the Epic Developer Community (EDC) forums. You can do this through UEFN or directly in the Issues and Bug Reporting forum.
To access the form in UEFN, click on the Help menu and choose “Report Issue.” Selecting this will automatically send your logs to Epic Games. Clicking OK will take you to the bug reporting form, which will autofill a Reference ID to connect your bug report to the EDC forums. You can improve the report by providing info like reproduction steps, expected results, and observed results before you make your forum post.

Once you’re in the Issues and Bug Reporting forum, the process is the same. For either UEFN or Creative Bugs, select "New Topic" in the forum. Then, choose the "New Issue" option to open the report form. Remember to paste the UEFN Reference ID to connect your log files to the report. It’s as simple as that!

As always, thank you for helping us find bugs. It helps make Creative and UEFN better for everyone! Hopefully, the bug reporting process is now even easier.